Archives for July 2014

How to share a file in Office Chat?

To share a picture, video or a document in Office Chat, follow the instructions below:

Office Chat for Web

Click on the plus (+) sign in the chat window next to the message typing area and select “Attach Files”. You can also drag-drop the files to the chat window.


File sending - OC Web

Office Chat for Windows

Click on the plus (+) sign in the chat window next to the message typing area and select “Attach Files”. You can also drag-drop the files to the chat window. Multiple attachments can be sent at a time.

File sending - OC Windows


Office Chat for Mac

Click on the plus (+) sign in the chat window next to the message typing area and select “Attach Files”. You can also drag-drop the files to the chat window. Multiple attachments can be sent at a time.

File sending - Mac

Office Chat for Android

Click on the attachment icon to open the attachment panel. Select the attachment type, add attachments and send them. At a time, maximum 10 attachments can be sent.

File sending - Android

Office Chat for iOS

Click on the attachment icon to open the attachment panel. Select the attachment type, add attachments and send them. At a time, maximum 10 attachments can be sent.

File sending - iOS



Is there a limit on the number of guests?

Currently there is not a limit for Office Chat Guests.

How do I delete my message?

You can delete individual messages by following these steps. These steps apply to individual messages you have sent. Deleted messages are permanently removed from your device, all office chat servers, and the recipient devices. This operation is irreversible and the deleted item cannot be recovered. This is an Office Chat Premium feature.

To delete a single message from a conversation:

  1. Open the private conversation or the team conversation.
  2. Scroll over to the message in the conversation.
  3. On mobile, tap on the message you want to delete and then tap on the Delete action.
  4. On Windows, right click on the message you want to delete and then click on the Delete action.

    delete_message_ios          delete_message_windows

  5. On Mac, hover over the message you want to delete and then click on the Deleteaction on the top right of the message.

    delete_message_android          delete_message_mac

  6. The message is deleted and removed from your chat history immediately.
  7. For the recipients of this message, the message is deleted when the chat history at their end is refreshed.

How do I delete a group?

In Office Chat, only the group creator can delete the group. Deleted groups and all messages in them are permanently removed from your device, all Office Chat servers, and group member devices.

Please note: This operation is irreversible and the deleted group cannot be recovered.

Here are the steps:

Office Chat for Windows Desktop

Open the Group’s chat window and click on the 3 dots button to select “Delete Group”. A confirmation message will populate before the group is deleted permanently.

Delete Group Windows


Office Chat for Mac

Open the Group’s chat window and click on the 3 dots button to select “View Group Info”.



After this, on the Group Info screen again click on the 3 dots button and select the option “Delete Group”. A confirmation message will populate before the group is deleted permanently.




Office Chat for iOS

Open the Group’s chat window and click on the 3 lines hamburger icon on the top right corner. Click “Settings” in the new window. Select “Delete Group” button.


Delete Group iOS

Office Chat for Android

Open the Group’s chat window and click on the 3 lines hamburger icon on the top right corner. Click “Settings” in the new window. Select “Delete Group” button.

Delete Group Android

 Domain Admin

  1. Open Office Chat on your web browser as the admin.
  2. Go to the Admin Portal on the top right.
  3. Click on Groups in the left hand navigation menu.
  4. Find the group you want to delete
  5. On the right hand side you’ll see the “Actions” column, in the corresponding column select Delete Group in the drop down menu.

in groups selecting the drop down in the actions.


Additionally, if you are on Office Chat Premium/Enterprise plan, then the network admin can delete any group from the office chat admin portal.

How do I create a new group chat?

To create a new group chat:

  1. Start a chat with a single colleague from the “CoWorkers & Teams” tab.
  2. Add additional users to the same conversation by typing their name or email ID.1
  3. Users’ chat contributions will show in the chat history with their Profile picture and email ID showing.
  4. The group chat history will be saved so that offline members can review the chat when they come online.




How do I change my account info (name, photo, etc)?

Your profile allows you to change your account info. To edit your profile:

Office Chat for Window

  1. In the Office Chat window, click on your profile picture or placeholder in the top-right then click “My Profile”:
  2. Click on the pencil “Edit” icon to start editing/updating your profile.1
  3. your profile photo to change the picture or click on the pencil in the top right to edit the other information:


Click on the “More” menu at the bottom and click the arrow next to your name.



Fill in the details required by clicking on the pencil edit icon and save them accordingly.






Click on your image on the top right and select “View Profile”



Update the details and save them accordingly.




How do I update Office Chat app?

Office Chat releases have some bug fixes and the new features released. To get those fixes and the features, a user need to update his Office Chat app. Updates for Office Chat on Android and iOS would be available in the respective stores online. Below are the steps to update Office Chat app on Windows Desktop and Mac.

Office Chat for Windows

Go to Office Chat Preferences

OC Windows Preferences

Switch to “About” tab and click on “Check Now” for available updates

OC Windows About

Video guide:

If there is a new version available, the app will download and prompt you to install the updates. The App also checks for available updates every 8 hours and downloads the same.

However, the app will detect a newer version only if your domain administrator has turned ON the setting for auto-upgrade. Domain admin can turn this setting ON/OFF by signing into Admin Portal and navigating to Security –> Desktop Access –> Client Upgrade. Below is a snapshot of the Admin setting.

OC Windows Client Upgrade






Who can view group chat history?

Chat history is all the instant messages you’ve sent and received from your contacts or groups.

Individual chat history can be accessed within the app itself by scrolling up in the chat window and clicking on the “View Previous Messages”


Group Chat history can only be seen by the group members using the same workflow of scrolling up in the window and clicking on “View Previous Messages”


An Office Chat Admin can view Group chat history from Admin Portal only,  even if he is not a part of that Group.

To view the Group chat history, an admin can login to Office Chat domain URL in a browser using his Office Chat credentials.

OC Login page

Once logged in, click on the “Admin” button on the top right

OC Admin Button

The Admin option will show up in the left navigation. To see the chat history, navigate to the ‘Groups’ Tab and click the drop next to the Group whose chat history you want to see and select “View Chat History”.

OC Group Chat History

Where can I view chat history?

You can view chat history in the conversation itself in the desktop client.

  1. From the Messenger tab, choose the conversation you would like to see the history of:
  2. If the complete conversation isn’t showing, click on the “View Previous Messages” button until it doesn’t appear any more.

How do I export chat history?


The group chat’s history can be exported to a .CSV file. For that, the domain admin has to login to Admin Portal and navigate to Groups tab.

Next, click on “Select” dropdown for the desired group, then click on the option “Export Chat History”.

Admin Portal - Export Chat History

After this, on the confirmation dialog, click Yes button. User will then be shown the success message which says “Request for Export of chat history is received. You will be notified via email.”

Admin Portal - Export Chat History - Confirmation

The next step is to check your email. If you don’t find it at first search for the sender “”


This Link will open a web page with all the content in a .CSV format.