How do I change Office Chat preferences?

To change the Office Chat preference from your Windows desktop app:

  1. Click on the “Profile” icon right next to the Name and the Status on the top left-hand side of the app window.
  2. Here Select the Preferences Tab to open the Preferences Dialog box.
  3. Once the preferences dialog box opens, the “General” tab has most of the common preference settings, like starting Office Chat client on Windows startup, Show Co-workers Status, etc.


  • If you want to change the Notification Settings for the Office Chat Windows App, go to the application preferences and navigate to the ‘Alert & Notifications’ Tab

Office Chat Windows Notification

  • If you want to change your Office Chat Theme and display options, Click on ‘Chat Theme’ Tab to modify your preferences.

Office Chat Windows Chat Theme

  • If you are connecting to the internet from behind a proxy server or to check your connectivity with the internet, then use the “Connections” tab to enter the proxy server details.

  • If you want to check the Office Chat version and manually update your Office Chat Windows, Click on the ‘About’ Tab.

Office Chat Windows About Us